Q1. How many practice per week? What time are practices?  

A1.  How many practices varies by coach and age group, but typically teams will practice 1-2 times per week with no more than 4 actives a week including games. Practice times vary by coach.  EMCSA does have lighted practice fields when you have field time, so any weekday practice generally happens normally from (6:00PM or 7:30PM) and ends (7:30PM OR 9:00PM). When your team does not have field time practice generally starts at (5:30PM) and ends at dark.  When coaches don't have field time EMCSA has an agreement with New Caney ISD to practice at their schools, but the head coach will need to communicate with each school they are with EMCSA to practice on their fields. Coaches at times will practice on weekends and those practice times will happen throughout the day.   

Q2. When are League games played?  How many games per season?  

 A2. Spring games run March through May, fall games run September through October. League games are typically played on Monday-Friday and Saturdays with the earliest game starting at 6:00PM on weekdays and the latest games starting at 7:30PM.  Saturday games will run anytime from 9AM to 7:30PM. Each season will consist of 12-15 games, with each week usually consisting of 2 games per week per team. Due to odd numbers of teams per division and the weather, sometimes teams will only play 1 game in a week or even have no games in a week.  

(1) Spring Baseball Games        

 (a) Instructional T-Ball; 3 innings or 1 hour.        

 (b) T-Ball; 5 innings or 1 hour and 15 minutes.        

 (c) Coach Pitch & Minors; 6 innings or 1 hour and 30 minutes.       

 (d) Majors; 6 innings or 1 hour and 30 minutes.        

 (e) Seniors; 7 innings or 1 hour and 30 minutes.    

 (2.) Fall Baseball Games will be 1 hour and 15 minutes unless scheduled otherwise. We will try to play all games Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri and No games Wed, Sun. We might have games on Sat depending on how many players we have.   

Q3.  What do I need to bring to tryouts?  What do tryouts consist of?  

A3. A bat, helmet, glove and cleats would be recommended, although a glove is all that is really required.  If you do not have a bat, then one can be borrowed during tryouts. Try outs are first come first serve and typically take about 5 minutes per player.  During the tryouts players will be asked to hit multiple pitched balls, run to first base, field popups and ground balls, and make throws from across the infield (typically short stop to 1st base).   

Q4. I can't make it to tryouts; can my child still play baseball?  

 A4. Yes.  While we do request that all players tryout if they can, it is not mandatory.  Try outs allow the coaches to gauge the talent level of the players and choose teams that are on a more equal playing level.  Players who do not try out will be randomly chosen from a hat at the end of the draft and assigned to a team.  All Players will make a team no matter the skill level.   

Q5. What equipment do I need for league baseball?  

 A5.   At the very minimum, a glove and a helmet.  Cleats and bats are nice to have, but players that do not have a bat can usually borrow from other players on the team. If you have your own bat, it must meet the equipment requirements found at The league will provide belt, jersey and a hat for your league games.   

Q6. We do allow players to play up 1 age level as long as they meet the following criteria.  

 A6. (1.) Player must ask at registration window at tryouts that you want to try-out to move up.         

(2.) Player MUST attend tryouts and be evaluated by coaches and a commissioner         

(3.) EMCSA does not recommend players playing up a division.   

Q7.  My player missed the cut off birth date for the lower age group by 1 day, can he play down in that age group? 

A7.   Players are not allowed to play down a division, regardless of birth date.  Even if you missed the cut off by 1 day to play in a lower division, you will still have to play in your birth date specified division. The cutoff date for EMCSA Baseball is May 1st.   

Q8. I need to play with another player due to carpool reasons otherwise he/she cannot play.  Can I play with a friend?    

A8. The ONLY roster exceptions we make are for siblings who live in the same household.  Siblings will be placed on the same team assuming they both play in the same division. WE DO NOT ALLOW ROSTER EXCEPTIONS FOR CARPOOL OR ANY OTHER REASON. We do allow you to make these requests during the registration process, but they are only requests and are not guaranteed.  We will provide the player requests to the coaches at the draft and hopefully they will abide by the request. There will be NO REFUNDS if you don't get on the same team. To guarantee that you and another child play together, one parent can head coach and the other can be their pre-draft assistant coach pick.    

Q9. How much does it cost? 

A9.  (1) Spring Registration is $125 per player plus participation in the league fundraiser (sale of 10 raffle tickets for $5 each which is $50).        

(2) Fall Registration is $115 per player. Spring and Fall -Uniform t-shirt, hat, and award included)   

Q10. How many players per team and if we miss a game is that an issue?  

 A10. There are normally 10-12 players per team. If you are unable to attend a game, please notify the Manager (Head Coach) as soon as possible if you miss a game the team will still have enough to play the minimum number players to play is 8. The team can also pick up players from a younger division to be able to play, please look at EMCSA rules for more information on pick up players.  All teams use a continuous batting order or all players bat in the lineup.  

Q11. Want to Manage a Team?  

A11. If you are interested in managing a team, please volunteer as a manager (Head Coach) when registering your child and fill out the information. All managers will be background checked before allowed to manage a team. You must fill out the background check through our registration process which is through Sports Illustrated Play.   

Q12. What ages does EMCSA offer?  

A12. EMCSA offers multiple different age groups of league baseball, which can be found below. Age Group Age Dixie Youth Baseball  

 4 yr old - Instructional Tball  

 5 - 6 yr old - Tball or A  

 7 - 8 yr old - Coach Pitch or AA  

 9 - 10 yr old - Minors or AAA  

11 - 12 yr old - Majors or O'zone   Rangers 

13 - 14 yr old - Seniors or Dixie-Boys    

Please also check out the EMCSA baseball rules if FAQs were not answered.