COVID-19 Policy

Registering to play and participate in our sports is at your own risk. Possible exposure to viruses is eminent in large crowds and with small children. Social distancing is encouraged. Hand washing or sanitizing should be done after every practice or game. We cannot enforce a mask policy for baseball/softball/football. These are outdoor sports with multiple entrances that are not monitored. Bring a chair and sit in the outfield areas if you have concerns about crowds or health issues. EMCSA will not issue refunds due to state or county shut downs and restrictions. 

**You can purchase the RegSaver through AIG separately if you wish to have it. If a family member gets Covid-19 and you wish to withdraw from sports they can refund your registration fee. It will also cover a refund if their is a government shutdown of the park cancelling our season. You will file paperwork with AIG and provide proof of positive test. EMCSA is not involved in this process and will not be issuing your refund.